Thursday, 24 February 2011

7 weeks pregnant scan and heatbeat

I had my scan yesterday.  DH met me there and all is well.  The baby has grown and the CRL (crown rump length) is now 8.3mm; almost a cm!  The heart was beating although they didnt measure the beats.  I get another scan in two weeks time when I will be 8 weeks 6 days.  How exciting.  After that I think Im signed off to regular pregnancy care!  I dont think Im going to like that.

The clinic must be pleased as Im probably one of their oldest mums.  'Come on baby keep beating and keep growing'.  A heatbeat detected at 6 weeks has something like a 70 something chance of survival, at 8 weeks it is 90 something so by my calculations (can you call that calcuations) at 7 weeks my baby has an 80% chance of survival.  'Come on my darling'.

DH and I held hands and watched the beating of the heart.  We got a photo.  I might see if I can upload the photo here - you are a beautiful blob.

Lots of confusion over my medication which soured the day, well not soured it, but meant that I spent over an hour eithing going between ACU and the pharmacy or sitting in the bowels of the building, under strip lighting waiting for my drugs.  Its was the steriods.  Apparently Ive been on them for a long time and they didnt want to issue them. 

I got home just in time to go to my counselling session but I was so tired.  So tired I couldnt even function. I left early, rushed home and lay on the sofa and although I didnt sleep I managed to rejuvenate enough to make a bit of tea before bed.

Oooh I have a new symptom!  I was looking in the mirror before my shower and have noticed that veins have appeared on my breasts.  They are more prominant than they ever were and go down into the nipple but start very clealy at the centre of my chest.  It looked like the veins on a butterfly wing stemming out.

Im up now at 6 o'clock because of the tummy pains.  Well not really.  I got up to go to the loo, got back into bed and they started.  I tried passing wind but found that lying down was uncomfortable so Im propped here on the bed watching tv and typing my blog when Id rather be sleeping still.

Symptoms = veins on bbs, stomach pain and wind, exhaustion

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