Can you believe. Im 5 weeks pregnant. I found a better site in which I could use a pregnancy calculator and actually specify that I had a FET and whether it was a 3 or 5 day embryo. It calculated my official due date as 14th October 2011.
I was just trying to distract you with facts and figures....yesterday I caved...I had no intention when I left for work but on the way home I went via Sainsburys and got a... youve guessed it a poas. 'My name is Maxi and Im a poas addict.' Im busted.
I brought a Clearblue digital (these were the beginning of the end last time for me as I never got any higher than 2-3 when I should have been reading the maximum). Anyway, this is terrible but Im going to tell anyway to demonstrate how desparate I was. On Thursday nights I have counselling (Ive been going for about 2 years now). My symptoms have definately trailled off and Im left with the bloated tummy, the occassional twinge in the back and I think, discomfort under my breasts where my bra digs in. So I get home, let the hound out and give him his dinner. I go to the bathroom and pee in a cup to test the intensity of the sample. Decide its a great sample that I shouldnt waste so I cover it with cling film (glad wrap?) and take it with me in the car to the supermarket. I run in with a basket, pick up a poas and cover it with a bag of cotton wool (some families from my school use that supermarket). I take the test to the car and test my urine sample there in Sainsbury's carpark.
The result came up in about a minute 3+ which was great. I would have been happy with 2-3 as yesterday I was 4 weeks 6 days. On the Clearblue you have to add 2 weeks to the result so 2-3 would have meant I was between 4 and 5 weeks pregnant which is where I was. My result of 3+ means I have hcg numbers in excess of 5 weeks. So thats good and for now put my mind at rest.
The result disappears within 24 hours but I managed to snap a picture.
Symptoms = twinges in my back, swollen tummy (what can I still wear), discomfort under breasts, yesterday the briefiest sense of nausea (was it my imagination)
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