Saturday, 5 February 2011


Well its official Im pregnant.

I know that there is a long way to go but Im putting the doubts of the past behind me.  Just because the last cycle ended in a miscarriage does not mean that this one will and thinking that way may affect the result.  So I putting them away.  Im not being arrogant but thinking positively is important.

So pee sticks away! Im going to leave a message for the hospital as I need more drugs.  I now have to up the dose of Oestradiol from 3 tablets a day to 4.  The steriods continue as do the pessaries.  Now Im pregnant all medication is free!  In addition, I will not have to find another £5000 or so for another cycle.  All I need to do now is to pay off my debts.  To be honest that is going to take months.  The good thing is that I wont be billed for this cycle until they sign me off which might not be for a couple of months.  Then you get 30 days to pay and last time I paid half, waited for them to bill me again, then paid the remaining half the month after that.

Im pregnant, Im pregnant.  I woke dh up to show him the poas.  Of course we have been having positives for a little while now and his response was much like mine.  We are happy but cautious - taking every day at a time. 

I pulled out all my pregnancy tests to line them up only to find that the blue tests that show positive with a vertical cross line have disappeared.  They all look like negative tests now.  The only ones that have lasted are the pink Superdrug tests.  I wanted them for my pregnancy scrap book.

What will I do if I get that job now?  Ooh decisions - I love decisions as each is an option, a choice.

Symptoms = night sweats, heavy uterus

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