I went to my booking appointment yesterday. It was a male midwife but he was really nice and very welcoming. I came away with lots of booklets and information packs and the form I need to send in for my free medication (that I really want). He asked me to go to A&E about the heart palputations Ive been getting. (I thought they were linked to the tablets and it transpired Im right.)
I did feel a bit like an idiot going in but they gave me a hcg test and took blood. Later a man came to wheel me off for a chest x-ray. I was like 'what' I cant go for an x-ray. I couldnt believe they were sending me anyway after I made my objection I didnt see the porter again. Eventually, near to 8pm (I got there at 4ish) I said Im leaving. They said it was at my own risk but I signed the forms and left. They didnt even have a place for me to sit as a family of about 6 took over the 4 chairs in the waiting area. Anyway I was on the bus home when the doctor rang to say I had elevated something, but that it could be down to the medication. I stop the meds at week 12 so if it continues I can have more investigations.
So its the medication! Ouch, was truely knackered when I got home and am worried about the baby again with the ecg. Its a long wait to next Friday when I get my scan!
I wish I didnt have to go to school today.
Symptoms = headache, couldnt sleep,
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