Tuesday, 29 March 2011

11 weeks 5 days pregnant - awake to 10.30

Yes its true!  Last night I stayed awake until 1030pm.  I had a deadline that I had failed to meet (a project review that was supposed to be in the previous day) so I was working on my computer and had to get it emailed last night but none the less 1030. 

This morning it was harder to get out of bed but thats okay.  I feel relatively normal. 

Ive been using my doppler every couple of days and I think I can find the heartbeat.  When I find it it is brief. Its not me thats moving or the doppler so I assume its the baby.  Last night I found it for about 20 seconds.  Then it faded out and disappeared. 

Friday is approaching quickly (the date of my 12 week scan).  I cant wait.  Nervous. I just want to know everything is okay.

Symptoms = headache, ocassional pulling pains in tummy, quick to cry

Thursday, 24 March 2011

10 weeks 6 days pregnant

I went to my booking appointment yesterday.  It was a male midwife but he was really nice and very welcoming.  I came away with lots of booklets and information packs and the form I need to send in for my free medication (that I really want).  He asked me to go to A&E about the heart palputations Ive been getting.  (I thought they were linked to the tablets and it transpired Im right.) 

I did feel a bit like an idiot going in but they gave me a hcg test and took blood.  Later a man came to wheel me off for a chest x-ray.  I was like 'what'  I cant go for an x-ray.  I couldnt believe they were sending me anyway after I made my objection I didnt see the porter again.  Eventually, near to 8pm (I got there at 4ish) I said Im leaving.  They said it was at my own risk but I signed the forms and left.  They didnt even have a place for me to sit as a family of about 6 took over the 4 chairs in the waiting area.  Anyway I was on the bus home when the doctor rang to say I had elevated something, but that it could be down to the medication.  I stop the meds at week 12 so if it continues I can have more investigations.

So its the medication!  Ouch, was truely knackered when I got home and am worried about the baby again with the ecg.   Its a long wait to next Friday when I get my scan!

I wish I didnt have to go to school today.

Symptoms = headache, couldnt sleep,

Sunday, 20 March 2011

10 weeks 3 days pregnant

I cant wait till Wednesday for my booking appointment.  I might take my hand held doppler and ask nurse to help me find the heartbeat (although yesterday for a second or two I thought I found the heartbeat).  It was a quite loud and much quicker than mine but Im not sure. I would like and expert to tell me its okay as I pick up so many different heart rates.  I have read somewhere that the fast one is the babies heartrate and your heart rate together.  What a pity they dont put that in the instructions.

Anyway I have to walk the hound this morning as dh left for work early. 

Symptoms = headache (went to bed at 6 with it)

Saturday, 19 March 2011

10 weeks 1 day pregnant - doppler

Well my doppler arrrived today and I cant find the heartbeat.  The lcd display registers something beating about 140 to 170 but it also registers something registering 60bpm (my heartbeat I suspect), something over 219 bpm and a whooshing sound (the placenta?).  I cant hear the beat but maybe its a little early.

Ive come to bed with a headache.  I went shopping with a friend today and it was lovely in the sunshine but as soon as I got in the headache began.

Symptoms = headache

Thursday, 17 March 2011

10 weeks pregnant today

Yeah!  Ten weeks today! 

I want to know about prenatal care, I want my urine tested, I want to know when my scan will be, I want my blood tested and after the high blood pressure I want my blood pressure tested again.

I rang St Thomas' yesterday and left a message.  The operator thought that I should be okay to have my care there.  I hope that this is the best thing as it is quite far from me.  Going up there in an emergency is quite a trek.  Anyway thats what Im doing. 

DH has been walking the dog for me but he cant do it today so I have to get up and head to the park with the hound.

I gave notice to my counsellor last night.  I have told him that next week will be my last session.  Ive had enough and I just cant rush there anymore nor sit in the brightly lit room when my head it throbbing.  (Although to be fair I think my head feels a little better this week.)

Symptoms = tummy pains (Im having them right now), tiredness, headache

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

9 weeks 6 days pregnant - still tired

I have started to get nervous again.  Mainly because I feel better.  That, generally feeling sick and ill thing has subsided.  I generally feel better.  Im still tired.  Last night I went to bed at about 8pm (I thought it was 9) and I feel asleep until 5.50 which is 10 minutes before my alarm went off.

Ive worked out that I am perky for about 5 days after a scan and after that I begin questioning my pregnancy again.  (The doctors didnt help.) 

I havent heard from the midwives yet but Ive seen on the website that I can contact them directly.  So I will do that today.  I want a bit of reasurrance and I want to know that my blood pressure is being monitored.

I brought a fetal doppler on line and with any luck that should be here soon.  The earliest you can pick up a heartbeat is 10 weeks (which I am tomorrow) although some dont find one until 12 weeks.  I think it depends on the quality of the doppler and mine is going to be second hand.

Symptoms = tiredness,  pulls in stomach, veins more prominant on bbs

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

9 weeks 4 days pregnant - doctors appointment

Well the doctors appointment was a bit of a anti-climax.  I was almost embarassed about my age so said, quite slyly that I am pregnant.  She took my blood pressure - it was high.  (Ive always had normal blood pressure except once when dh was in the room and the doctor said she was going to weigh me - then it shot up!)  I said, "is that my age?"  She said, "probably."  Remind me never to do that again.

We talked about downs and the nauchal scan and that at my age I would be offered invasive tests - which I would probably refuse.   Ho hum.

The pregnancy 'high' didnt last long!

Symptoms - stomoch pulling, headache, slight reflux

Monday, 14 March 2011

9 weeks 3 days pregnant

The news is horrible with the tsunami in Japan.  How awful for all those people.  Its so scary.  Yesterday I just burst out crying.  I wasnt even thinking about the devastation in Japan but suddenly I just felt overwhelmed. 

Its my doctors appointment tomorrow.  I wonder how that will go.  I think I felt less ill yesterday.  Im not sure but is it okay now for symptoms to be decreasing?

Symptoms = emotional

Sunday, 13 March 2011

9 weeks 2 days pregnant

I woke up really excited today that Im 9 weeks 2 days pregnant. 

I found a link last night that stated " Research has shown that if you see a heartbeat at 6 weeks of pregnancy, the chances of the pregnancy continuing are 78%. A heartbeat at 8 weeks increases the chance of a continuing pregnancy to 98% and at 10 weeks to 99.4%. So things could still go wrong, but as long as there is a heartbeat, the risk of mc decreases as the weeks go by"  (M/C Association).  So I have a 98% chance of this baby being born and being healthy.

Symptoms = as before

Friday, 11 March 2011

9 weeks 1 day pregnant

I feel much better after the scan.  Especially seeing that the baby can move independently and that he or she isnt affected by the stomach pains.  It was so beautiful.  I have the picture by my bed. 

Was up in the night with stomach pains but it didnt last long.  I feel asleep without taking my prenatal so when I woke up later I took them with a glass or ribena and went back to sleep.  Maybe?

I also wondered if my retroverted uterus could be responsible but I couldnt find any evidence online but I will ask the doctor on Tuesday.  Anyway, until Tuesday. 

Symptoms = tummy pain, headache

Thursday, 10 March 2011

9 weeks pregnant

Im 9 weeks pregnant.  Tough night last night as I had to come back from scan, go to my counselling session (had to make him turn the lights off because I was blinded by them so we sat in the dark), then home, eat and bed. 

Tired out.  But 9 weeks pregnant!

Did I tell you I made an appointment with my doctor - so next Tuesday is my appointment.

Symptoms = tummy ache this morning, headache and light sensitivity, wind

8 weeks 6 days - scan

Yeah!  We had our scan today and the baby obviously doesnt mind the pain in my stomach because he or she, was moving around in there.  You could just about see arms and legs as the baby had turned to face the camera.  Very beautiful.  The heart was beating beautifully and we saw the backbone and the umbilical cord.  It was very emotional.

I cried and I cried again when they signed us off into our doctors care.  I saw the consultant and lots of the nurses and there was much love and hugs.  They asked for me to let them know how we are going!  It was very emotional but most of all was the baby, flicking his or her little legs.  At only 2.4 cms still tiny.

We got a photo. 

Symptoms = headache, light sensitivity, stomach pains, tiredness

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

8 weeks 5 days pregnant - scan tomorrow

My scan is tomorrow and Im really nervous.  I think I have to come to terms with the fact that I will always be nervous.  Perhaps you stop when you start feeling the baby move around and can give him or her a nudge if they havent moved for a little while.

Right now the changes seem so silent.

Please let it be okay tomorrow. 

I read all my medication leaflets last night and they probably account for my all symptoms.  Im not sure which medication is worst but the medication usually used to treat hrt and the steriods cause lots of symptoms that I am experiencing including heart palputations (they are scary but I never linked them to), indigestion, wind, blurred vision, headaches (although you should report these to a doctor as they may be a precursor to a larger heart problem).  I will ask them at the hospital tomorrow. 

It feels so far away.  And even when tomorrow comes there is a long wait till the end of the day.

Symptoms = peeing more, tiredness

Monday, 7 March 2011

8 weeks 4 days pregnant

Well I got through the night only to be greeted with the stomach pains in the morning.  So have spent quite a lot of time rocking on the sofa.  Ooh this pregnancy business is hard.  The not knowing what it happening.  I might ring the hospital today and see what they say and whether they think that these pains are normal.  I have of course asked already and maybe there isnt a conclusive answer.

My scan is getting closer and Im nervous.  Im sure a heartbeat on this scan means the baby has a 90 something percent chance of survival.  I could be wrong about that figure but I know its a significant percentage.

Symptoms = tummy pain

Sunday, 6 March 2011

8 weeks 3 days pregnant - up in the night

I was up in the night again with the stomach pain.  Maybe its the prenatals (I started taking them at night rather than in the morning with all the other pills) and I might need to rethink the timing of them.  Teatime?
I got up and paced a bit, made a mint tea, and then sat on the sofa until I could face going back to bed.  What is this?

It feels like a long week ahead to the my scan on Thursday. 

Symptoms = stomach pains, headache, light head, foul tasting mouth, some limited reflux

8 weeks 2 days pregnant

Im a terrible pregnant woman!

That said, Im not really surprised, as Im a terrible sick person.  Im a moaner.  Poor dh but its the truth I dont feel well.  The headaches, light sensitivity, wind, stomach pain, dizzyness, exhaustion....

I was pointed to some forums of women who took steriods during pregnancy and it transpires that they had, and were expecting reduced pregnancy symptoms.  Firstly, I wish I knew that earlier and secondly if I feel this rotten with reduced symptoms, imagine how terrible I woul feel without them. 

Symptoms = as above

Saturday, 5 March 2011

8 weeks 1 day pregnant - the weekend

Im so relieved that its the weekend.  Ive been very forgetful at school and some days wonder how I have made it through the day with a woozy head, sensitive eyes and a headache.  I feel seasick.

I have another scan on Thursday and all being well I think I am transferred to the care of the NHS - welcome in one way but not in another.

Symptoms = stomach pains, headache, dizzyness, sick last night, watery cm

Thursday, 3 March 2011

8 weeks pregnant

Im 8 weeks pregnant today.  Yeah!  My next scan is on Thursday, so only 6 days to go.  I dont know what I will do after that scan as Im sure the wait after that will be longer. 

I dont even know what happens next - in regards to the ivf clinic.  When will they sign me off to my doctors care?

Parents evening is over.  I finished about 8.15 last night and got home by 8.40.  So a late tea, watched a tv show and went to bed.  At least that horrible headache didnt return.  I was really tired at one point but resisted going straight to bed and I got my second wind.

Symptoms = veins on bbs, headaches/light-headiness, increased cm

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

7 weeks 6 days pregnant

Ooh, parents evening was last night.  Towards the end I realised I had a headache.  By the time I started driving home I was skinting at the oncoming headlights.  I got in, ate a little something and headed to bed for a dark environment.  Well I fell asleep, on and off.  When I woke up I felt terrible - sea sick almost - with that woozy head and wanting to vomit.  It was horrible.  Luckily when I woke up this morning it had just about gone. 

Tonight is another parents evening - this one is the long one.  So I dont know how I will cope.  Today I will take it as easy as I can and do my best to get through it.

Still no stomach problems last night!

Symptoms = I almost have no idea - headache, sea sickness, peeing, belching.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

7 weeks 5 days pregnant

Parents evening.  Round one. (Theres another one tomorrow.)

Im tired and its only 7 o'clock in the morning.  Ive just eaten my breakfast and my tummy has gone into spasm.  Ive never had an uncomfortable relationship with food but that seems to be my general condition.  My head hurts - well its fuzzy and it feels like the beginning of a headache and I hate parents evening.

Symptoms = tummy, headache, peeing alot