Well, Im 16 weeks pregant today.
I have been feeling flutterings in that part of my tummy for the last 2 weeks (regularly) although it was slightly earlier than that that I first, lying on my tummy in bed, felt the movement. I knew it was the baby as it felt like something light had passed over the inside of my tummy. It was light but definate. After that first touch I tried lying on my tummy every night but nothing. Now the flutterings are a regular happening and a prompt for me to say 'morning' to the baby.
I have a midwife appointment on Thursday and a scan the week after that when I hope to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I naturally want, with the scares of the tests, a heathy baby first and formost. After that, I would love a girl. If a boy comes then I shall be overjoyed. I suppose, rightly or wrongly I want to make up the mothering I never recieved (my mother gave me away at 5). Plus DH already has a son and it might help bring his son into the family (who thus far, after 7 years,I have not met). God willing it will be a healthy child.
No-one has guessed at school. Although, I did share with another girl who is having iui. I would hate for people to guess and not be the person to tell her. I know how it feels. I think my bump is quite apparent but perhaps to everyone I just look fat!
Symptoms = sore boobs (then nipples look sticky(?)), flutterings in tummy, pains from side of stomach, vomitting and or dry retching (the dog food triggers me, thinking about food, after eating, etc)
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